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Port of call
Masters of war
Rehearsals for retirement
51 week strike
Enniskillen Dragoons
28 year reunion concert
Notice!: The DVD is now available! see the "shop" page
It's been a while, but in July of 2015, we finally managed to get the band back together
for a dizzying walk down memory lane. Two concerts at one of Sydney's last inner city acoustic venues,
the Petersham Bowling Club, saw the band and joyful, loud, sellout audiences roll back the years
to hear Raglan Road perform some of their favourite numbers.
Relive the excitement of those nights in these pages. Check out the video and the album created
from the live performances, both of which are for sale. Revisit the back story of why Raglan Road
were the foremost trad band of their day in Australia and much feted by touring performers
from around the world.
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